This was our special collab box with MacKenzie Smith of Grilled Cheese Social. Get the full curdbox experience below. Listen, learn, and enjoy!
April 2021 curdbox
The Cheeses
Italian Fontal by Mitica
Dill Harvati by Roth Cheese
Taleggio DOP by Arrigoni
The Pairings
Hot Pepper Vinegar Kettle Chips by Lillie's Q
Onion Jam by Jammy Yummy
Napoli Salami by Olli Salumeria
The Recipes
Recipe card by @GrilledCheeseSocial
Blog Post
Learn about the collaboration: read about it here here.
Take a deep dive into this month's box over on our blog: read that post here.
See what beers pair well from our guest beer blogger: read that post here.
Spotify Playlist
Have a jam session with your jam and cheese session.
Playlist creatively curated by @cheeseplatemixtape.
(If you don't have a Spotify account, hit play and it will prompt you to sign up for free!)
Each month we're bringing you a fun and tasty podcast featuring your cheeses and pairings.
It’s April, which is National Grilled Cheese Month, so we thought—hey, let’s co-curate the box with MacKenzie Smith of @GrilledCheeseSocial! If you don’t know @GrilledCheeseSocial, it’s basically an online ode to all things melted cheese, including, of course, grilled cheese! This month, we and MacKenzie have brought you three cheeses and three pairings that work as a cheeseboard or double as droolworthy grilled cheese sandwiches. In this podcast, you’ll hear Jenn, Julie, and MacKenzie chow down on Italian Fontal, Taleggio DOP, and Roth’s Dill Havarti, along with Lillie’s Q Hot Pepper Vinegar Chips, Jammy Yummy’s Onion Jam, and Olli Salumeria’s Napoli Salami. If you'd like to "eat along", subscribe to your own curdbox at curdbox.com!
Want to eat along next month?