About Us

Our company mission of “Bringing great cheese and happiness to the people” all started with a love of storytelling and the art of a curated experience.

curds&co. was founded by Jenn and Matt Mason in 2017 as both a cheese shop and a startup.

curdbox is an extension of our cheese shop curds&co. located in Brookline, MA. It allows us to do what we do best—build beautiful cheese + pairing experiences. Each box has so much love in it, from the farm, to the kitchen, to the factory, to the store. curdbox is the curation of all that love and passion into a story that you can explore bite by bite in your own place.

Every element of the company is built around our values:

The customer is the inspiration
Look to the customer to guide the inventory and interaction

To teach is to love
Storytelling is our greatest gift to our customers

Never be boring
Keep things fresh and be ready to pivot to mix it up

Cheese is cheese is cheese
Always be in the service of the farmer, the cheesemaker and the cheese enthusiast

Celebrate the artist
In all forms the creative story must be shared

The experience is everything
And it starts from the very first moment. Make it exceptional

Be approachable
Be available and friendly