It's All Greek To Me

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January 2022 curdbox

The Cheeses

Manouri by Byzantino
Greek Kasseri
Barrel Aged Feta DOP by Mt Vikos

The Pairings

Green Olive Spread by Dalmatia
Sea Salt Pita Chip by Brewer's Crackers
Fig Salami with Orange Zest and Aleppo Pepper by Hellenic Foods

It's All Greek To Me Info Card

Blog Post

Take a deep dive into this month's box over on our blog: read that post here.


Spotify Playlist

Have a jam session with your jam and cheese session.
Playlist creatively curated by @cheeseplatemixtape

(If you don't have a Spotify account, hit play and it will prompt you to sign up for free!)



Each month we're bringing you a fun and tasty podcast featuring your cheeses and pairings.

Watch our video podcast recording with Jenn and Julie—the women behind the voices!


Or, find the audio only here, or subscribe in your favorite podcasting app!


IT'S ALL GREEK TO ME - January 2022

We’re thrilled to be back cohosting this podcast with Food Network Star Michele Ragussis! Chef Michele comes from Greek heritage, so we just knew we wanted to make a Greek box, and so behold: It’s All Greek To Me! In this podcast, you’ll hear Jenn, Julie, and Michele taste their way through three Greek cheeses: buttery Manouri by Byzantino, authenic Kasseri, and Mt. Vikos barrel-aged feta. Pairing up, we have Greek Green Olive spread from Divina*, Pita Chips from Brewer’s Crackers, and Fig Salami with Orange Zest and Aleppo from Hellenic Farms. If you'd like to "eat along", subscribe to your own curdbox at

*Note: This podcast was filmed ahead of time and due to supply chain issues, we had to substitute Dalmatia's Green Olive Spread for the Divina in the January box. 


Follow us @curdbox

Follow the producers in this box at: @mtvikos, @brewersfoods, @divinaspecialty, @dalmatia_spreads, and @hellenicfarms. 


Want to eat along next month?