Aw, Nuts!
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April 2023 curdbox
The Cheeses
Piave Vecchio by Lattebusche
Ciao Angelo by Bonnema Kaas
Vat 17 World Cheddar by Deer Creek
The Pairings
Peanut Butter Puffs by Puffworks
Vermont Maple Almond Brittle by Sweet on Vermont
Turmeric Nuts by Isadore Nut Co.
This Month's info card
(Click pic to enlarge)
Blog Post
Take a deep dive into this month's box over on our blog: read that post here.
Spotify Playlist
Have a jam session with your jam and cheese session.
Playlist creatively curated by the curdbox crew.
Each month we're bringing you a fun and tasty podcast featuring your cheeses and pairings. Watch our video podcast recording with Jenn and Julie—the women behind the voices!
And if you haven't already- please do subscribe to our channel.
Or, find the audio only version below, or subscribe in your favorite podcasting app!
AW, NUTS! - May 2023 curdbox
In a world filled with endless, exciting snacks, the humble little nut stands out from the rest. While they’re not the sweetest or the creamiest, they do have a special something that makes them impossible to resist. Their familiar, satisfying crunch, combined with their variety of flavors and textures makes them the perfect treat for any occasion. And, there’s nuttiness in cheeses, too! So many of our favorite cheeses have nutty undertones that make them even more irresistible. So gather 'round, nutty friends, and let’s explore this month’s box that has nutty cheeses and even nuttier pairings.
Please visit our cheese and pairing partners in this month's box: @lattebusche, @deercreekcheese, @puffworks, @sweetonvermont, and @isadorenutco.
Want to eat along next month?