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July 22 curdbox
The Cheeses
Hoop Cheese by Striplings General Store
Grand Cru Surchoix by Roth Cheeses
San Geronimo by Nicasio Valley Cheese Co.
The Pairings
Prosciutto Americano by La Quercia
Michigan Blueberry Preserves by Brownwood Farms
Everything Goes Nuts by Bobby-Sue’s Nuts
Blog Post
Take a deep dive into this month's box over on our blog: read that post here.
Spotify Playlist
Have a jam session with your jam and cheese session.
Playlist creatively curated by curdbox.
(If you don't have a Spotify account, hit play and it will prompt you to sign up for free!)
The Curdcast podcast video
Each month we're bringing you a fun and tasty podcast featuring your cheeses and pairings.
Watch our video podcast recording with Jenn and Julie—the women behind the voices!
Or, find the audio only here, or subscribe in your favorite podcasting app!
Want to eat along next month?
Did you take some photos while enjoying this box that you were thinking of adding to Instagram? Please tag us @curdbox along with our cheese and pairingpartners @striplingsgeneralstore, @rothcheese, @nicasiovalleycheese,
@laquercia, @brownwood_farms, and @bobbysuesnuts. We love to see our cheese lovers enjoying their boxes!