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December 2020 curdbox

The Cheeses

Dubliner with Irish Stout by Kerrygold 
Fior d'Arancio by Moro Formaggi 
El Piconero al Cognac by Señorio de la Mancha

The Pairings

Spanish Cocktail Mix by Mitica 
Sweet Sangria Olives by Divina 
Classico Taralli by Mitica


Blog Post

Take a deep dive into this month's box over on our blog: read that post here.

See what beers pair well from our guest beer blogger: read that post here.


Spotify Playlist

Have a jam session with your jam and cheese session.
Playlist creatively curated by @cheeseplatemixtape

(If you don't have a Spotify account, hit play and it will prompt you to sign up for free!)



Each month we're bringing you a fun and tasty podcast featuring your cheeses and pairings.


Want to eat along next month?