Beer Pairings by @bakerandthebeerd | March 2020 curdbox

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Editor's Note: our friend Joe Burgers a.k.a. @bakerandthebeerd brings us his take on this month's curdbox and his beer-ish thoughts each month. If you're a fan of beer and cheese, this is the blog for you! And if you want to join our merry band of cheese lovers, head on over to our subscription page to sign up for your monthly box!

The March Curdbox is coming in hot with a deliciously clever coffee theme to break up our cabin fever. I paired these cheeses and snacks with three dark, beautiful beers from New Holland Brewing.  

My absolute star of this spread starts with Potlicker Kitchen coffee jelly (yes, that’s really a thing, and it’s even more incredible than you imagine) on Cheeseland Ewephoria. This Gouda-style sheep’s milk cheese has a nutty-caramel flavor that paired perfectly with the coffee jelly and Poet’s Brunch Stout, a 9% abv oatmeal stout brewed with maple syrup and cinnamon. 

Sapore Del Piave is a Parmigiano-style Italian cheese with a versatile butter flavor that I can honestly say tasted great with the coffee jelly, the No Bean mocha bites, Small Batch Granola dark chocolate coffee granola bites, The Poet oatmeal stout and Cabin Fever brown ale. Spot on cheese selection for this box.  

Similarly versatile, The Poet has a moderate dark roast flavor that easily paired with all three cheeses, including Barely Buzzed, a cheddar-style cheese from Utah, featuring a rind rubbed with espresso and lavender buds.   

@bakerandthebeerd beer + cheese cheese + pairings

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