Beer Pairings by @bakerandthebeerd | May 2020 curdbox

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Editor's Note: our friend Joe Burgers a.k.a. @bakerandthebeerd brings us his take on this month's curdbox and his beer-ish thoughts each month. If you're a fan of beer and cheese, this is the blog for you! And if you want to join our merry band of cheese lovers, head on over to our subscription page to sign up for your monthly box!

Behold, my favorite Curdbox yet! May’s box is a Salted Chocolate cheese party that I paired with two dark and delicious beers from Three Floyd’s Brewing.

Chocolate Capri is a Massachusetts goat cheese blended with bittersweet Venezuelan chocolate to amazing results. Spread over a graham cracker, this was a perfect bite unto itself. Etorki is a rich, smooth, subtly sweet French cheese that softens up beautifully at room temperature. And Roth Buttermilk Blue is a longtime personal favorite for its creamy, funky versatility. I truly tested this versatility by loading up a @larkfinefoods Mexican Chocolate Cha Cha cookie with Sutter Buttes Blackberry & Raspberry jam and Buttermilk Blue, only to find a uniquely delicious dessert. If you’ve followed my beer and cheese pairings for any time, you’d expect that I also loved a bite of blue cheese with Seattle Chocolate black fig and pistachio dark chocolate.

I paired this cheese board with two black beauties from 3 Floyd’s, Wigsplitter Coffee Stout and Cake Eater Double Black IPA. Cake Eater balances its hefty 8.5% abv malt with Mosaic and Galaxy hops, while Wigsplitter uses freshly ground espresso to add complex roasty bitterness to its natural oatmeal stout sweetness. Dark chocolate notes and balanced bitterness made both beers ideal complements to the salted chocolate cheese board, with Wigsplitter’s espresso flavor making it the most enjoyable for me.

As always, use my code “beerncheese” for 10% off your first month of Curdbox.

@bakerandthebeerd beer + cheese cheese + pairings

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