That's my Jam
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June 2023 curdbox
The Cheeses
The Pairings
Onion Chutney with Raisins and Honey by Maison Rivière
Roasted Garlic Savory Jam by Blake Hill
This Month's info card
Blog Post
Take a deep dive into this month's box over on our blog: read that post here.
Spotify Playlist
Playlist creatively curated by the curdbox crew.
And if you haven't already- please do subscribe to our channel.
THAT'S MY JAM - June 2023 curdbox
Jams. These delightful preserves are the ambassadors of flavor, capturing the essence of nature's bounty in every jar. Each one tells a tale of orchards, sun-soaked fields, and the loving hands that transformed their harvests into something truly magical. Whether it’s a warm piece of toast, a flaky biscuit, or a favorite cheese, they’re all just waiting to be adorned with a dollop of these delicious treasures. So let’s get ready to embark on a jam-packed journey through this month’s box!
Please visit our cheese and pairing partners in this month's box: @cheeseland, @forevercheeseco, @pointreyescheese, @eatdivina, @maisonriviere and @blakehillpreserves.
Want to eat along next month?