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September 2020 curdbox
The Cheeses
Lamb Chopper by Cypress Grove
Honey Bee Goat Gouda by Cheeseland
Prima Donna by Vandersterre
The Pairings
Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Puffs by Puffworks
Peanut Butter Frittle by Newfangled Confections
Single Malt Scotch Caramels by McCrea's Candies
Blog Post
Take a deep dive into this month's box over on our blog: read that post here.
See what beers pair well from our guest beer blogger: read that post here.
Spotify Playlist
Have a jam session with your jam and cheese session.
Playlist creatively curated by @cheeseplatemixtape.
(If you don't have a Spotify account, hit play and it will prompt you to sign up for free!)
Each month we're bringing you a fun and tasty podcast featuring your cheeses and pairings.
Want to eat along next month?